All three incumbent candidates—Taline Manassian, Bill Foulds and William Travis Crow—will hold onto their Dripping Springs City Council seats, according to unofficial Hays County May 4 election results. For Place 5, Crow came out ahead of Geoffrey Tahuahua and Stephen Randall. Crow received 148, or 50% of votes, while Tahuahua received 107 votes and Randall had 41 votes. Prior to the election, Crow filed a lawsuit against Tahuahua, accusing Tahuahua of falsifying his application to run in the election. In the Place 1 election, Manassian defeated challenger Anthony Aristar, who, despite having his name on the ballot, withdrew from the race in April. Manassian received 234 votes, representing 84.7% of votes received in the election, compared to Aristar’s 42 votes. Foulds ran opposed for the Place 3 seat, receiving all 215 votes cast in the election. All results are unofficial until canvased.