The city of Dripping Springs has canceled the May election as all three candidates are unopposed. City Council has not had a contested race since May 2021.

The details

On Feb. 4, the city ordered an election for three council members whose terms were expiring: Taline Manassian, Geoffrey Tahuahua and Sherrie Parks. On Feb. 14, the deadline to file an application to be placed on the ballot passed, and all candidates were unopposed. This means they will win their seats for the upcoming two-year term.

Looking back

May elections for City Council seats were also canceled in 2023 and 2024. Last year, Mayor Bill Foulds and council members Wade King and Travis Crow were sworn in for another two-year term. Their terms will be up for re-election again in May 2026.

Going forward

Dripping Springs ISD will hold an election in May. This includes a $402.3 million bond package—divided into two propositions on the ballot—and two seats up for election on the board of trustees.