The Dripping Springs ISD community will see an increase to elementary after-school care costs for the upcoming 2025-26 academic year.

The details

Employee monthly tuition for the Kids Club community rate will increase by $5 to a total of $75. The monthly community rate, open to DSISD and non-district community members, is increasing by $25, coming out to $275 per month.

A $50 nonrefundable registration fee to enroll in the program via a lottery process will also be implemented. The first month’s tuition, which is in August, would be due June 1 to ensure a spot in the program.

Child care on student holiday-staff workdays will also increase, from $50 per child per day, to $60 per child per day. The 2025-2026 academic calendar has more staff workdays than in the past.

As of press time, the tuition rates for middle school before-school care program, Club Crash, will not be changing.

The background

DSISD officials said staffing challenges for the program have led to limiting enrollment in the programs, resulting in the evaluation of program fees.

Many of the workers in the after-school care program are cafeteria workers, Deputy Superintendent Elaine Cogburn said at a board meeting Feb. 18. The cafeteria staff work long shifts during the day, then work at the after-school care, leading to difficulties with sustainable staffing.

Limited staffing also creates issues with the growth of the program, Trustee Olivia Barnard said.

“Staffing is still the reason that we’re working on a lottery system because we don’t have the staffing to make the program bigger,” she said.

DSISD moved to a lottery system last year to address the capacity limits, Cogburn said. The after-school care program saw increases in the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years.

What’s next

The new rates go into effect for the 2025-26 academic year. Registration for the Kids Club program closes March 28 at midnight.