The Central Texas Food Bank announced in a press release two dates when drive-thru emergency food distribution will be offered to people dealing with food insecurity during the coronavirus pandemic. On April 20, the food bank will offer food pickup at Del Valle High School from 9 a.m.-noon at 5201 Ross Road, Del Valle, and on April 30, pickup will take place at the Toney Burger Stadium, 3200 Jones Road, Austin, also from 9 a.m.-noon.

Individuals who need food can go to these distribution spots to receive an "emergency food box" with around 28 pounds of food, including shelf-stable items such as canned meat and fruit, peanut butter and rice, according to the release. Hygiene kits, including wipes, shampoo, toothpaste and other items, will also be distributed.

Due to social distancing requirements, recipients must arrive in a car for drive-thru pickup, and families are encouraged to send one representative.

Central Texas Food Bank is also seeking volunteers to help with distribution through its website.