Manchaca Road Animal Hospital, a locally owned veterinary clinic, will celebrate 50 years in business this summer.

The backstory

T.F. Martin opened the clinic at 5720 Menchaca Road on July 8, 1974. Back then, he only had one employee, Carol Strid, who still works at the clinic as a receptionist.

In 2022, Martin retired, and Drs. Anne Walker and Joanah Rojo bought the business. Both of them have worked at the clinic since the 2000s and said the tight-knit community of clients who have taken their pets to the clinic over the years is what makes it special.

“We have clients [who], we’re seeing their grandchildren now that are grown and have pets, and I think that's really special to have relationships that long,” Walker said.

Walker said their motto is “healthy pet, happy clients.” The clinic has stayed at the same address, and the employees also tend to stay for the long term. It’s relatively small, Rojo said, and that is what sets Manchaca Road Animal Hospital apart from other practices.

“It's just myself and Dr. Walker that work here, and so a lot of clients really appreciate that since they're gonna see the same people [every time] they come. They're gonna see the same doctor,” Rojo said.

Giving back

To celebrate 50 years in business, Manchaca Road Animal Hospital is making free T-shirts for its longest clients. Every month of 2024, the clinic is also donating a percentage of its profits to various South Austin area charities. Clients can contribute donations at the clinic.