The overview
The city of Austin’s Transportation and Public Works Department designed improvements for this span of roadway intending to reduce crashes for all transportation modes, according to a news release.
Improvements for safety, mobility and accessibility included the following measures:
- A second left-turning lane for vehicles traveling southbound Congress Avenue to eastbound Stassney Lane
- New raised concrete medians on Congress Avenue to control entry and exit points along the roadway
- A new left turn lane on northbound Congress Avenue to Ainsworth Street
- Reworked the concrete islands at the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection to make cars take right turns more slowly
- New separated bicycle and pedestrian paths
- Six new Capital Metro bus stops
- Upgraded pedestrian infrastructure, including re-striped crosswalks and new ADA-compliant curb ramps
- Driveway safety enhancements
- Traffic signal upgrades as well as signal timing upgrades to improve operations at both the Little Texas Lane and Stassney Lane intersections along South Congress Avenue
- New pavement surface markings and signage

The framework
Taking roughly a year and a half to complete, crews first began working on the $4.9 million roadway improvements in May 2023.
The project was funded by the city’s 2018 Mobility Bonds and CapMetro. Find the status of other Mobility Bond road projects here.