As a cold front begins to seep into Austin, city officials announced cold weather shelters will be opening overnight Jan. 9.

What you need to know

Those who are unsheltered and have registered with the city's text alert system have been notified of the shelter openings. However, anyone in need of shelter and warmth is welcome to register for the shelter.

Registration for shelter will be from 6-8 p.m. at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Road, Austin.

For privacy reasons, the city does not release a list of shelter locations but is partnered with CapMetro for transportation needs.

How we got here

Cold weather shelters are activated by 9 a.m. the day of if weather projections indicate it could be 32 degrees Fahrenheit or colder overnight.

If temperatures for Jan. 10 are forecast to dip below 32 degrees, or 35 degrees with precipitation, shelters could extend hours.

Information about access to and activation of shelters is available by calling the city's hotline at 512-972-5055.