The board is responsible for hiring the chief appraiser, who determines property values in the county. Taxing entities, such as the city of Austin, Travis County and school boards, set tax rates that are applied to those property values. The board also approves the annual budget, approves contracts and sets general policies.
Starting next year, board members will take on a new responsibility appointing members of the Travis Appraisal Review Board, or ARB, an impartial group of residents that mediate disputes between property owners and the appraisal district, according to TCAD.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited to comply with word guidelines or for style and clarity.
Community Impact is only asking candidates in contested May 4 elections to answer questionnaires.
Candidates will appear on the ballot in the following order:
Place 1
- Don Zimmerman
- Jett Hanna
- Shenghao “Daniel” Wang
- Jonathan Patschke
- Matt Mackowiak
- Bill May
- Dick Lavine

Don Zimmerman
20 years experience defending taxpayers in elected office and courtroom litigation
R&D engineer
Candidate Website:
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
Investigate/analyze interpretation of tax code as currently done by the unelected board, which always benefits the taxing entities that demand infinite increases of taxes; check for compliance with laws from the taxpayer's perspective.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
A few TCAD board positions were opened to election because the conflict of interest is obvious: those insatiable taxing subdivisions who profit from higher property taxes should not be exclusively appointing the board members who can profit them with higher property taxes.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
Voters should know that Don Zimmerman is the only elected official they've ever heard of who made good on a political campaign promise not to merely reduce a property tax, but to eliminate it.

Jett Hanna
Former real estate lawyer, VP of an insurance company
Retired attorney
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
Proper management of the appraisal process is my top priority. This assures everyone is treated fairly without favoritism. I'll also work to assure that our schools do not lose funds due to poor appraisal practices. I will review cyber security practices of the district.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
I want to assure courteous and respectful interactions between appraisal district personnel and the citizens who work with it. I will work to make the process easier. I will lobby the legislature to allow teachers to sit on the ARB in the summer.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
I am a lifelong Texan, and came to Austin in 1980 to attend UT Law school. I have no real estate interests except my house, and I have a child who rents in Austin.

Shenghao "Daniel" Wang
Undergraduate mathematics degree, JD, practices law concerning long-term investments similar to real estate.
Lawyer (practice area-electricity regulation)
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
My top priority is to ensure that all taxpayers are treated fairly and efficiently. Recently, TCAD has experienced rapid growth in the volume of protests due to rapidly growing property prices. We should leverage technology to ensure each taxpayer's appraisal is given proper care.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
I hope to make TCAD much more transparent and improve its public communication about what it does, how it does it, and what taxpayers can expect. Currently, good information about TCAD is hard to find and many taxpayers are frustrated because they don't understand the process.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
I grew up in Austin and I'm running to protect the public schools, libraries, parks, and other public services that I enjoyed while growing up. These services form the backbone of our community and we need to preserve them so Travis County remains a great place to live.

Jonathan Patschke
Current nonprofit board member, former for-profit board member, former state employee, property owner
Software developer
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
Consistent accuracy and fairness are vital to the appraisal process as a means of funding public works. Inaccuracy in either direction misinforms budgeting, and bias in valuation can easily displace whole neighborhoods.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
Within the limited scope of the role, I'd like to challenge TCAD to explore new options for obtaining valuation data and for analyzing final valuations to screen-out noise and bias. With the wealth of information available today, it's unfortunate that there's any room for valuation challenges at all.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
I grew up rural, so I'm mindful that there's more to Travis County than Austin. There are real challenges in maintaining valuation accuracy in a county with both lakeside mansions and family farms, let alone our vibrant commercial districts. Changes in assessment policy must be fair to everyone.

Matt Mackowiak
Experienced business adviser
President, Potomac Strategy Group LLC
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
My priority is that appraisals are independent and property owners have been fairly treated by TCAD and the Appraisal Review Board. Affordability is a serious issue in Travis County. The taxing entities determine the tax rate. Those rates are applied to the appraised value to determine actual taxes.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
I would like to focus on customer service and efficient communication among TCAD, ARB, tax assessor, tax professionals, and property owners. I would want to scrutinize TCAD’s budget to make sure that TCAD is operating as cost-effectively as possible while employing the best staff available.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
I have lived in Austin from 1984-2003 and 2011-present, having lived in NW, NE, downtown & central ATX. I care about this community and I am a product of it. I wish to fight for taxpayers in this role to ensure they have a voice and a fair chance.

Bill May
Candidate did not respond to questionnaire.
Candidate did not respond to questionnaire.
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
Candidate did not respond to questionnaire.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
Candidate did not respond to questionnaire.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
Candidate did not respond to questionnaire.

Dick Lavine
22 years on the TCAD board of directors trustee, City of Austin Employees Retirement System
Fiscal analyst
Candidate Website:
What will be your top priority if you are elected?
I will work to ensure that people appointed to the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) by the board of directors give all taxpayers protesting their appraisals a full and fair hearing. Estimating market value of property is a technical process and should not be subject to inappropriate political meddling.
If elected, what do you hope to change about the Travis Central Appraisal District?
I will scrutinize district operations for efficient operation and wise use of taxpayer dollars, incorporating new technology whenever effective. I will also emphasize the importance of cybersecurity to guard against hacker attacks that have harmed other districts.
What do you want Travis County voters to know about you?
I have many years of experience serving on boards, including TCAD’s, as well as technical expertise from my day job analyzing legislation and testifying before the Legislature on property tax issues. I am dedicated to public service and look forward to the opportunity of representing the voters of Travis County.