The City of San Marcos announced that the fifth and final victim of the July 20th fire at Iconic Village Apartments and Vintage Pad Apartments has been identified as Belinda Moats, 21.
The four other victims were previously identified as Haley Michelle Frizzell, 19; David Ortiz, 21; Dru Estes, 20; and James Miranda, 23. They are the same people as the five that were declared missing in the days after the fire, which also injured at least seven people and left 200 without homes.
Last week, San Marcos said that state, local and federal investigators had finished work at the scene, but that the investigation is ongoing. The initial findings show that the smoke alarms were compliant with Texas code and that they had recently been inspected.
In the announcement last week, San Marcos provided links to the relevant state and city codes, as well as to the property and fire inspection reports. The city also asked that anyone with information on the fire call the San Marcos Fire Marshal’s office at 512-805-2600.