The Barnacle was first used March 10. The device will be administered by City Marshal’s parking enforcement personnel.
The overview
Vehicles with three or more unpaid, overdue or unadjudicated citations will have an orange sticker placed on the driver’s side window, warning of potential immobilization. After 10 days, if fines are not paid or the court isn’t contacted, the vehicle will be eligible for immobilization, according to the release.
The release also states that a Barnacle will be placed on the vehicle, even if it is legally parked. Once the Barnacle is placed, fines must be paid by scanning a QR code, visiting the San Marcos Citation Portal or arranging payment with the municipal court.
The release notes the Barnacle's efficiency for both drivers and parking enforcement. After payment, drivers will receive a release code to remove the device. To avoid further fines, the Barnacle must be returned within 24 hours to a drop box at the San Marcos Police Department.
Notable quote
“There are currently tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of unpaid parking citations in San Marcos, and each citation represents an impact to parking availability throughout our community,” Parking Coordinator Samantha Deyo said in the news release.