The city of Buda will host a virtual and in-person open house to share more information on the West Goforth Road reconstruction project.

Get involved

The virtual open house will be available online beginning May 16 and will conclude on June 13, according to a news release. The in-person open house will be held on June 11 from 6-7:30 p.m.

Project details

The voter-approved project is a 2021 Buda Bond Proposition A Project and costs about $20.9 million, according to the city's bond website. The project will include a full-depth asphalt pavement reconstruction of West Goforth Road from South Loop 4 to I-35. Other improvements include:
  • Adding sidewalks, cycling accommodations
  • Improving drainage
  • Widening the existing two-lane road
Comments can be submitted during the in-person open house, online at or via email at [email protected]. Residents who want to mail in their comments may address it to Buda Bonds Projects c/o CD&P, PO Box 5459, Austin, TX 78763. For more information, residents are encouraged to visit