Buda City Council denied a development agreement with Buda Venture Real Estate LLC for a 44.66-acre master-planned, mixed-use development—West Oak—on April 2.

The denial also triggered the refusal for the developer’s requests for annexation and zoning change.

The takeaway

The project would have been located west of the FM 1626 and Cole Springs Road intersection. West Oak would have consisted of 100,000 to 120,000 square feet of commercial space and 600 residential units in multifamily apartments, according to agenda documents.

Buda City Manager Micah Grau said council had concerns about the overall density of the project—specifically the number of multifamily residential units—which was the driving factor for council’s decision to deny.

Offering input

Multiple residents opposing the development spoke during the item’s public hearing.

Jim Ladner, a Buda Planning & Zoning Commissioner, said he did not believe there would be no traffic impact due to the development.

“This is the most disingenuous, dishonest, inappropriate project I have ever seen in Buda, Texas,” Ladner said.

Residents also had concerns for the amount of traffic West Oak would bring to Buda’s west side.

“These are out-of-state, foreign investors who want to build as many apartments as they can get away with. They don’t live here, and they don’t have to crawl through the daily traffic jams,” Flora Marvin said.

However, some residents, such as Tommy Sargant, spoke in favor of the project. Sargant said he and his wife own property across from West Oak's proposed site, and the light at that intersection would increase safety for families leaving Ladybird Montessori.

“The tax revenue that this project will generate will help the schools and the county and the city. Overall, I’m in favor of it,” he said.

Keep in mind

Grau said the project could come back if the developer were to resubmit a new application. However, if the developer reapplies, it would trigger a new project, and they would need to go through the process again.

Buda Venture Real Estate LLC officials can also make amendments to their project, and if a council member wants to bring it back for consideration they can request it as a future agenda item.