Maruti, servicing areas in Florida and San Antonio, presented to the council plans to implement MT Connect, an on-demand nonemergency medical transportation service, to the existing Kyle Uber $3.14 program at a meeting on Feb. 15. The partnership with Uber subsidizes wheelchair-accessible transportation, as previously reported by Community Impact Newspaper.
However, the item to vote on the contract with Maruti was pulled from the agenda at the March 22 meeting to look into some matters and will be brought back at a later date, Mayor Travis Mitchell said.
The council also postponed an item regarding the restriction of new gas stations and car washes that could be built in the city after convening to executive session.
At the Feb. 15 meeting, the council voted on first reading to approve restrictions on self-storage facilities that was set to come before the council again for final approval. At the time, the council tabled the vote on gas station and car wash restrictions.
The item will be brought back for further discussion and potential action at the next City Council meeting on April 5 at 7 p.m. at Kyle City Hall, located at 100 W. Center St., Kyle.