Kyle City Council has named members of the committee that will rename RM 150, the street formerly known as Rebel Drive.

The action came during the Oct. 6 meeting, during which officials had earlier voted to create the West RM 150 Naming Committee. The body consists of 15 members—every person who applied to be on the committee.

Rules established by council state the body had to consist of Kyle residents who must be at least 18 years of age, qualified voters, residents of Kyle for at least 12 months and have no debts toward the city.

Creation of the committee is the latest move in a series from council that began Aug. 18, when officials voted unanimously to rename Rebel Drive to Fajita Drive. At that time, council stated the name was significant to local culture and better suited to reflect the diversity of the city.

But that ended up running into widespread opposition from a broad subset of Kyle residents for several reasons, from dislike of the new name to love of the original name.

Following a reversal of the initial decision, City Council voted Sept. 1 to move toward creating an ad hoc committee to rename Rebel Drive.

Samantha Armbruster, director of communications for the city of Kyle, said she would be reaching out to the new members Oct. 7 to schedule the first meeting. At that meeting, Armbruster said, members will review city charter requirements for renaming of public spaces and roadways and determine a meeting schedule and timeline for presenting recommendations to City Council.

Members of the West RM 150 Naming Committee are:
  • Alysha Buono
  • Anthony Davis
  • David Glicker
  • Elizabeth Godfrey-Weidig
  • Fred Guerra
  • Gilbert Jordan
  • Humberto Aguin
  • Karen Shields
  • Lino Montonya
  • Nick Landis
  • Priscilla Harrell
  • Ronald Guentzel
  • Summer Mann
  • Vanessa Westbrook
  • Wilma Javey
Source: city of Kyle/Community Impact Newspaper