According to City Engineer Leon Barba, the purpose of the project is to upsize the line to handle future water flow from areas west and south of the Cool Springs development. The funds come from the fiscal year 2022-23 capital improvements spending plan’s wastewater impact fee fund. According to agenda documents, the total contract amount is now $448,971.
Cobb, Fendley & Associates Inc., an engineering and surveying firm, will provide design plans, bidding and construction phase services for the installation of about 4,932 linear feet of 24-inch wastewater line and 185 linear feet of 48-inch wastewater line in the Cool Springs Phase 1 subdivision through the Waterleaf Phase 1 and Phase 2 subdivisions to the existing 48-inch gravity wastewater influent line in the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant located east of the Waterleaf Subdivision in Kyle.
"As we go through the design process, we will get a better idea of the estimated construction costs, and we will update the CIP spending plan as needed. Once the design is complete, it will bid out for construction," Barba said.
Although Council Member Miguel Zuniga thought the project was a good step forward, he was concerned with how many times the city would need to upsize as the area continues to grow.
"The unfortunate thing is that with all the growth, everything ends up in Waterleaf. I understand that they have to increase those pipe diameters, [but] I'd hate to see it done over and over where we have to have more pipes, and then we have to get into the streets at Waterleaf," Zuniga told Community Impact. "We've got to get on top of it all and make sure that we're exceeding environmental standards and are also exceeding community standards for our residents so that they don't have to compromise their quality of life for the benefit of the entire city. Me, as a council member and as a spokesperson for my community, I don't want to see multiple splices of our roads."
Kyle City Council's next regular meeting will be on held April 4 at 100 W. Center St. at 7 p.m..