A new survey is available for residents interested in giving their feedback on San Marcos' comprehensive plan.

San Marcos City Council approved the recommended Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan survey and outreach campaign that was curated with the help of the city’s communications department on Jan. 16.

The background

Planning for the city's new comprehensive plan began in 2020. The plan will serve as a document that guides long-term decision-making for the city through housing, land use, economic development and transportation, according to a news release.

City Council established a committee of council members to review and discuss the proposed Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan, assess outreach and gather additional public input in November.

Current situation

There is no set date for a second hearing, but once the survey is complete, staff will meet with council to discuss results and next steps, Communications Specialist Leanne Kelley said in an email to Community Impact.

The survey summarizes amendments made by the planning and zoning commission, and City Council throughout the plan's adoption process. It allows the public to identify concerns and propose specific changes, according to a news release.

It opened online Feb. 2 and will be available until Feb. 23. Individuals can also pick up hard copies of the survey during regular business hours from the planning and development services department, located at 630 E. Hopkins St.

Looking ahead

Survey responses will be shared with council's Comprehensive Plan Ad Hoc Committee for review, discussion and further recommendations.

Once completed, council will consider the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan for a final reading and adoption at a later date.