A portion of Main Street in Round Rock will be closed from Feb. 17 to March 14 to accommodate construction of a pedestrian crossing.
The gist
The closure will affect East Main Street, between Sheppard Street and Lampasas Street. Drivers will detour to East Bagdad Avenue or East Liberty Avenue during this time.
The pedestrian crossing will connect Prete Plaza to the paseo, currently undergoing construction, allowing for safer travel while the city continues work. The new crossing will be raised, with the sidewalk extended across the road, and feature bollards and signs for drivers.
About the project
The paseo project and Griffith Building remodel will transform the former public library, adding an art gallery, visitors center and space for the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce to the 44,000-square-foot building. Additionally, the paseo will connect East Main Street to East Liberty Avenue and the new public library.
Construction for both is expected to be substantially complete in late 2025, according to city officials.