Lake Forest is a master-planned community situated between Gattis School Road and the Brushy Creek Regional Trail. It is located near shopping, dining and entertainment options in areas including Round Rock’s La Frontera and Pflugerville’s Stonehill retail centers.

Median home value: $870,000

Homes on the market*: 5

Homes under contract: 3

Median annual property taxes: $14,000

Median price per square foot: $250

Average days on the market*: 20

Build-out year: 2014

Builders include: Highland Homes, Drees Homes

Square footage: 2,228-5,757

Home values: $620,000-$1 million

HOA dues (estimated): $560 annually

Schools: Blackland Prairie Elementary, Ridgeview Middle School, Cedar Ridge High School

Property taxes:

City of Round Rock: $0.342

Williamson County: $0.375608

Austin Community College: $0.0987

Williamson County Fm/Rd: $0.037492

Round Rock ISD: $1.0626

Upper Brushy Creek Water Control and Improvement District: $0.02

Total (per $100 valuation): $1.9364

*As of Dec. 21


The community offers several amenities for residents, including a pool, a tennis court, a clubhouse, a basketball court, a playground and a lake with an adjacent park area.

Neighborhood data provided by Michele Sherwood, Keller Williams Realty