What happened
In June 2022, the city of Round Rock enacted Stage 1 watering restrictions limiting outdoor watering to two days per week based on a resident's address. Drought restrictions in Round Rock are based on the water supply, demand and capacity of water treatment plants; wholesale suppliers; and public health, safety and wellness triggers. The restrictions may be lifted by the city manager if the conditions triggering them have been resolved or if the city manager determines it to be in the city's best interest to terminate the restrictions. City officials also adjusted the drought contingency plan to encourage residents to follow Stage 1 water restrictions on a voluntary basis year-round with shifted watering times in May.
What they're saying
A recent report on water quality in the city includes an update on watering restrictions that have persisted for over a year from June 29, 2022, to present. The report states recent significant rain events have not been enough to raise lake levels and lift restrictions.
What's next
Water restrictions remain in place, per the consumer report, and residents may water their lawns a maximum of two days a week from 7 p.m.-midnight and midnight-noon, designated by the last number in a resident's address:
- Residents with addresses ending in 4 or 8 may water their lawns on Sundays and Thursdays.
- Addresses ending in zero or 3 are designated to water on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Addresses ending in 2, 6 or 7 may water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Addresses ending in 1, 5 or 9 may water on Wednesdays and Saturdays.