Pflugerville City Council will host an emergency meeting at 7 p.m. June 30 to discuss and consider an immediate mandate for face coverings, the city announced in a June 30 news release. If approved, the enforcement will require face masks in an effort to curtail the spread of COVID-19.

Residents interested in watching the emergency meeting can register via WebEx, an online video conference platform, using the meeting code 146 464 3874. Interested parties can also call in via phone at 408-418-9388 or stream the meeting on Pflugerville's PfTV.

Public comment is allowed via telephone or video conference on WebEx, with residents wishing to speak required to register at least two hours prior to the meeting's start. Registration for public comment as well as submissions for written comments can be sent to [email protected]. For more information on how to engage with the city of Pflugerville's virtual meetings, click here.