Transportation Director Gary Hudder said at an April 19 Historic Preservation Commission meeting the city is evaluating options to relocate the Old Stagecoach Inn instead of demolishing it and using the pieces in another historic setting.
Hudder said city staff is now looking to move the structure farther back on the same property. He said when city staff first started this process about two years ago they looked at moving it farther away from its current site, but a contractor at the time said that was not feasible. Hudder said moving it within the same property would be less stressful on the building.
The commission denied a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of the Old Stagecoach Inn, which is located at 901 Round Rock Ave., at its March meeting. The denial imposed a 120-day waiting period, allowing time to find alternatives to demolition. After the 120 days have passed, a demolition permit may be issued, according to a statement from the city.
The city was looking to demolish the building because it sits in the path of future road improvements to RM 620.
Hudder said he hopes to have rates for the relocation at the commission’s May meeting.