One year after the Pflugerville Police Department launched a program to promote positive interactions between officers and people with autism or related conditions, the Texas Municipal League has recognized the effort through an excellence award.

The TML in early October awarded the city of Pflugerville with a 2021 Municipal Excellence Award for the PPD program Autism Buddies.

City Council recognized the department and the award during an Oct. 12 regular meeting.

"This is a very special program for us, and so, I applaud you," Mayor Victor Gonzales said to officers during the Oct. 12 meeting.

Through the program, participants receive an ID card with the person's name, photo, date of birth, identifying characteristics and emergency contact information.

"By providing an ID, officers can help the community, specifically those nonverbal citizens, reduce the stress of an interaction with officers," a city document states.

Learn more about the Autism Buddies program by clicking here.