After an extensive report concluded that Emergency Services District No. 2 does not need an annual payout of $2.793 million it has requested from the city of Pflugerville to continue carrying out emergency medical services to the city, officials this week approved an EMS valuation study.

ESD 2 provides fire and rescue services, EMS and advanced life support services to Pflugerville, the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction, parts of the city of Austin and unincorporated Travis County.

The board of commissioners for ESD 2 has stated that due to funding issues it will no longer be able to provide EMS and ALS along with fire and rescue services after Sept. 30.

For the last several months, the city and the district have been working to find a solid compromise, and City Council members attended an ESD 2 planning summit July 8-10.

During a July 13 meeting, council heard from AP Triton, the consulting firm specializing in service delivery methodology and practices for fire and emergency care services that conducted the report.

The proposed study from AP Triton that council approved July 13 states it will "use the city of Pflugerville operating area for first responder and ambulance costs and revenue projections as a data driven model to extend across the entire operational area to be serviced."

To that end, AP Triton will review financial and other information to evaluate viability and revenue that could be created by a third service ambulance department.

Information from the proposal states AP Triton has provided two options for completion and presentation of the project. One option allows a 90-day window costing $19,500, and the other allows for a 60-day time frame and costs $25,000.

Council's motion did not specify an option, but city staff said that information will be released once a decision is made.

Prior to approval of the study, council postponed an agenda item to consider action regarding fire and EMS options through a report prepared by AP Triton.

Officials will discuss that item at council's next meeting, July 27, according to city staff.