A 1.45-acre plot in the upper westside district of Pflugerville can now be developed for retail and business use following City Council's vote to rezone the site at its meeting March 25.

The details

The property, located along the south side of Schultz Lane, sits near the Springbrook residential subdivision. City Council approved an ordinance to apply split zoning to the land, with .85 acres zoned retail, and the remaining .58 acres zoned for general business.

The new zoning designation will "enable future development" in the area, Planning Manager Dr. Yasmin Turk said. Several businesses sit nearby, including gas stations, a car wash, a Starbucks and a future daycare facility.

General business zoning allows for a range of retail and office uses, and some specific residential uses like an assisted living facility. Retail zoning has similar uses, and should specifically serve nearby residential areas, according to Pflugerville's development code.

What else?

This zoning supports Pflugerville's vision for the upper westside district, Turk said. The area should aspire to enhance pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, increase housing options with the opportunity for mixed use, and increase access and safety to parks while using trails as transportation, according to the city's future land use plan.

The background

Pflugerville constructed a realignment of Schultz Lane in 2009 for nearby road improvements. As part of the process, the city zone the land acquired for the realignment to general business, and the former right of way for Schultz Lane was not zoned.

“I'm glad we’re making good use of that swatch of property there," Mayor Victor Gonzales said at the meeting. "It’s just been there."