Over the last several months, city and school district officials in Pflugerville and Hutto have held extensive workshops and discussions leading up to final votes on their respective entities’ budgets and tax rates by the end of September.

For the city of Pflugerville, capital projects account for about 65% of its budget while compensation is about 12% expenditures.

“Cost escalations due to inflation heavily impact what we can afford and is a significant challenge for us all,” Pflugerville Mayor Victor Gonzales said.

He said for Infrastructure investments, these include streets, facilities, parks, technology, and water and wastewater improvements to help the city plan for and manage growth.

Money out

Expenditures increased over 19% from the previous year. Of the biggest expenses for water and wastewater, this includes spending $37 million to build a new wastewater treatment plant.

Year over year, the city's expenditures rose 19.17% from $318.8 million to $379.9 million in fiscal year 2022-23.

Money in

The "other" category includes smaller revenue sources, such as solid waste and franchise fees and development permits. Overall revenue decreased by nearly 15% from the previous fiscal year. Residents can also expect a higher yearly bill, about $155 more, based on average taxable values.

To read about Pflugerville ISD's budget, click here.