The details
The plat outlines plans two commercial lots and one condominium lot on the 10-acre property.
The commercial portion of the development is expected to see retail and restaurant tenants, while the condominium lot is expected to see 77 units of blended townhomes and condos.
The proposed townhomes may reach a height of three stories, while the condos will be limited to two stories, said James McCann, the principal engineer for developer Development Collaborative, LLC. The setback requirement is 25 feet from the existing neighborhood behind the planned development.
McCann heard concerns raised by commissioners, including the traffic impact to CR 137 and the height of townhomes and condos intended for the property.
“I am struggling to visualize it—25 feet,” Planning and Zoning board member Cheryl Stewart said. “I don’t want anyone looking in my backyard.”
During a public comment period, several residents voiced opposition to the development, citing the height of the proposed residential buildings, traffic concerns and potential noise pollution.
McCann said the development plans are still very preliminary, adding that the company will conduct another market study in the fall to solidify what types of commercial development would work best for the property.
The development passed all plat requirements and commissioners approved the preliminary plans. McCann said the development will start the permitting process this fall, in which more details and site plans will be made available.
If everything goes smoothly, individuals could potentially be moving into a home on the property by the summer of 2025, McCann said. This would be the first phase of construction on the back side of the property, with the commercial, street-facing components coming in later phases.