A recent survey conducted by market research and survey company the ETC Institute found that overall, Pflugerville residents are satisfied with the city's services.

Jason Morado, a representative of ETC, presented the findings of the 2021 survey during City Council's June 22 meeting.

"Overall, the perception of residents of the city is higher in Pflugerville than in other cities," Morado told City Council.

Among the findings, the survey of more than 500 respondents showed residents have a 79% favorability of the city's police, 76% favorability of emergency response and a 60% favorability rating of visibility of police in neighborhoods.

Also of note, more than 85% of respondents rated Pflugerville as at least a good place to live, and nearly 80% said the city is a good or excellent place to raise children.

Residents also ranked the city's parks and recreation facilities with 70% favorability.

Pertaining to where residents want the city to focus, Morado said 57% of residents ranked traffic flow and congestion as an issue that should be the top priority for city officials. That was followed closely by maintenance of city streets.

As it pertains to the upcoming financial goals of the city, City Manager Sereniah Breland said tools such as this survey are crucial for officials and staff to understand where it should place its fiscal priorities.

"We want to listen to our people," Breland said. "We want to hear what they have to say, and we want that reflected in our budget."

To view the survey results, click here.