A roadway project to extend East Braker Lane from Dawes Place to Samsung Boulevard is underway, and the city of Austin is looking for public input until Jan. 20 to incorporate into the final design.

The public can leave a voicemail at 512-974-2300, email their comments, fill out an online form or mail it in to the transportation department, said Jeff Stensland, senior specialist for the transportation department, in an email.

The city has conducted virtual public hearings and is also in the process of planning open houses to encourage public participation in the final plan.

The project to extend East Braker Lane up to Samsung Boulevard is still in the design phase. It is led by the city of Austin in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation and is part of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 Plan. Construction is expected to start in 2026 and end in 2028.

The 0.75-mile extension includes new roadways; sidewalks; pedestrian crossings; a protected bicycle lane; and curb, gutter and drainage improvements. Once it is complete, it will connect to Harris Branch Parkway and future Safe Routes to School improvements to Taebaek Drive. It is also expected to reduce congestion on East Parmer Lane.

Stensland said those who wish to mail in their comments can do so at the following address: Austin Transportation, ATTN: Braker Lane, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767.