Judge Bill Gravell passed a unanimous motion to authorize payments up to $50,000 for any services that first responders request through Sept. 30, 2023.
Dr. Tania Glenn and Associates, PA, a clinical practice based in Austin that has been providing services to some of the first responders since 2017, will continue to provide the service until Sep. 30, 2023, when the contract will be up for renewal.
“For those that are not aware, Dr. Glenn and Associates is a local-based group that handles trauma for first responders, and they're one of the premier first responder trauma agencies nationwide,” Gravell said. "Many times she and her staff are in other parts of America where disasters have occurred and have done an amazing job.”
The emergency services department in Williamson County provides its employees with the contact phone numbers for psychiatric services so they can schedule an appointment themselves. The practice then bills the county for those services.
Dr. Tania Glenn and Associates, PA, received a full score of 10 for staffing availability to meet patients.The provider handles trauma for first responders by providing counseling, consultation and training in the mental health arena. They also provide consulting and training in critical incident response as well as peer support through intervention, including individual and group debriefings, stress management strategies in the aftermath of critical incidents, and advanced training on post-traumatic stress disorder.
“I think that it's just providential that we have a company of this caliber in Williamson County, so I'm grateful for that,” Gravell said.
In 2017, the Williamson County Commissioners Court approved an agreement for training and traumatic event response for the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office from Tania Glenn and Associates, PA. The contract is renewed annually and comes to the Williamson County Commissioners Court for approval.