Pflugerville ISD will begin weekend meal service April 17 after its request to serve these meals was approved by the Texas Department of Agriculture, the school district announced April 16.

The approval now means that PfISD can distribute extra meals to families on Fridays, extending meal distribution through weekends.

Beginning April 17, families may pick up meals for that day, as well as two extra breakfast and lunch meals per child, according to PfISD.

Weekend meals can be picked up at PfISD meal delivery locations from 8-9 a.m. and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. each Friday.

Children do not have to be present at the time a parent is picking up the meals, the district said, but identification will be required for children not present at meal pickup. Identification accepted by the district for meal pickup includes student report cards, attendance records, birth certificates, student ID cards, and official letters or emails from schools listing the children as enrolled.

Parents or guardians may only pick up meals for their own children, PfISD said in the April 16 news release.

See a list of PfISD meal pickup locations below.