Take advantage of early-voting Oct. 24-Nov. 4 at any of these North Austin polling locations: NORTH
  • Little Walnut Creek Library, 835 W. Rundberg Lane
  • Hartfield Performing Arts Center, 5800 McNeil Drive
  • Disability Rights Texas, 2222 W. Braker Lane
  • Austin Area Urban League, 8011A Cameron Road, Ste. 100
  • Randalls Research and Braker, 10900D Research Blvd.
  • Randalls Steiner Ranch, 5145 N. RM 620
In case you miss an opportunity to cast a ballot during early voting, the last chance to vote is Election Day, Nov. 8. Austin voters can cast ballots at any voting center in Travis or Williamson counties—depending where the resident is from—from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. that day. Here is a county map of all polling locations in both counties: