1. Project cost increase: 183 North Mobility ProjectNWA-2016-02-11-02

On Feb. 8, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization approved a $425 million increase to the 183 North project—which would add two toll lanes on US 183 in both directions between RM 620 and MoPac. Changes that caused the price to increase from $225 million to $650 million include adding direct connectors, or flyovers, from US 183 to the MoPac express lanes ($117 million), adding direct connectors between US 183 and RM 620 ($147 million), adding a fourth nontolled general-purpose lane on US 183 to fix the lane imbalance ($90 million), and adding sidewalks and a shared-use path ($5 million) as well as inflation. Timeline: 2019 (start of construction) Cost: $650 million Funding sources: TBD
The Texas Department of Transportation plans to add three direct connectors between I-35 and US 183, which already has two direct connectors. The Texas Department of Transportation plans to add three direct connectors between I-35 and US 183, which already has two direct connectors.[/caption]

2. I-35 improvements: Rundberg Lane to Hwy. 290NWA-2016-02-11-04

The Texas Department of Transportation announced Jan. 27 a $1.3 billion plan to relieve congestion on the state’s most congested roadways. An estimated $158.6 million will go toward I-35 in Travis County. About $82.7 million would fund improvements between Rundberg Lane and Hwy. 290, including adding three direct connectors between I-35 and US 183: southbound I-35 to southbound US 183, northbound US 183 to northbound I-35 and southbound I-35 to northbound US 183. Money would also reconfigure the existing northbound I-35 to northbound US 183 flyover to improve operations. Timeline: fall 2017-summer 2020 Cost: $158.6 million Funding sources: State Highway Fund

The SH 71 Express Project will add two toll lanes on SH 71 in each direction between Presidential Boulevard and Onion Creek.
The SH 71 Express Project will add two toll lanes on SH 71 in each direction between Presidential Boulevard and Onion Creek.[/caption]

3. Toll lane construction: SH 71 Express ProjectNWA-2016-02-11-06

The project hit the halfway mark Feb. 10. The project is adding two toll lanes in either direction on SH 71 between Presidential Boulevard—the main entrance to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport—and Onion Creek near SH 130. In early 2016 crews are constructing new eastbound frontage road lanes that will be nontolled. The project will also realign FM 973 and add an overpass to SH 130. Timeline: January 2015-late 2016 Cost: $149 million Funding sources: TxDOT