Design work on several Georgetown ISD bond projects—approved by voters Nov. 3—is underway. The $160.6 million bond will fund school improvements, infrastructure projects and plans for future growth—all of which GISD officials deemed as immediate needs. “I wanted to thank the community for the approval of this bond because this is a significant investment in a portion of our community with significant classroom needs,” GISD Superintendent Fred Brent said. During the GISD board of trustees meeting Nov. 16 Brent said work had begun on the facility designs and project timelines. A team of GISD employees met Nov. 10 to begin the design process to replace Purl Elementary School using $31.4 million in bond funds. The concept will then be presented to district administrators Dec. 2, Brent said. A team will also meet Nov. 17 to discuss concepts to modify Tippet Middle School, which will receive $26.1 million in renovations. Brent said the district also began internal meetings to discuss renovations at Georgetown High School, which will cost $23.4 million. The district will be seeking bids for the construction of Middle School No. 4 in December, and Brent said he expects to receive proposals back in mid-January. The new middle school will cost $27 million to construct.  Nearly $28 million in 2010 bond funds were previously dedicated for the design and planning of the building. Brent said he is proud and thankful to the community for investing in the bond. “This was a very proactive bond that will secure the instructional future of a lot of our students, and it’s going to put us in a great position for the additional growth we’ll be receiving later,” he said.