WilCo Expo Center expansion breaks ground
Williamson County Officials broke ground on a 48,000-square-foot expansion to the Expo Center on Sept. 25.
The county is renovating the existing facility at 210 Carlos G. Parker Blvd. in Taylor to increase the number and types of events that can be held at the center. The development includes enhancements to the existing arena, a new indoor exposition facility, a concessions building and a ticket building, along with various site improvements.
The building includes 24,000 square feet of covered expo facilities and 23,000 square feet of enclosed areas.
County officials plan to use the event center for livestock shows, rodeos, consumer shows, concerts, religious events, auctions and equestrian events.
The expansion is expected to be completed by July.
Funding for the improvements comes from park bonds approved by voters in 2013.
Council amends unified development code
Georgetown City Council unanimously approved Sept. 22 amendments to sections of the unified development code, or UDC, related to annexation, site planning, patios, fences, building requirements and parking space design requirements.
The council delayed three other amendments related to accessory dwelling units at the ordinance’s first reading Sept. 8 after several citizens expressed concerns that the changes would have allowed homeowners in the city’s historic areas to rent out garage apartments.
The pulled amendments will be reviewed further and brought back to City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the UDC Advisory Committee at a later date.
Council members approve franchise EMS agreements
Georgetown City Council approved the second reading of two ambulance franchise agreements Sept. 22 with Acadian Ambulance Service of Texas LLC and American Medical Response of Texas Inc. to provide nonemergency medical transfer services beginning Oct. 1.
The companies will provide nonemergency transfer services and backup EMS response when all Georgetown transitional response vehicles are being used at the same time.
Each agreement is for two years, after which the companies can reapply for a three-year term.
Each company will pay $1,400 per year per ambulance, which includes permitting, radio license and technology fees, as well as a $2,000 application fee to operate in Georgetown.
City purchases outdoor warning system
Georgetown The city received a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Administration in July to help purchase an outdoor weather warning system.
City Council unanimously approved purchasing the warning system from Federal Signal Corp. for nearly $600,000, which includes 25 percent in matching funds from the city, during its Sept. 22 meeting.
The city began seeking bid proposals Aug. 10 for the system.
The city will install 23 outdoor warning sirens, which will be used to notify residents during weather-related emergencies, such as tornadoes.
The city currently has sirens in seven locations, including the Georgetown Public Library; however, the sirens do not all sound the same and cannot be heard by all Georgetown residents, Assistant Fire Chief Clay Shell said.
Austin-based RVi selected to design San Gabriel Park improvements
Georgetown City Council approved a contract Sept. 24 for more than $560,000 with RVi of Austin to complete design work for the San Gabriel Park improvements.
The council approved $1.7 million of park bond funds approved by voters in 2008 to be used on the improvements, which include an entry monument, roadway and parking improvements, picnic pavilions, trails, children’s play areas, restrooms and restoration of existing springs as well as signage, open space and landscaping.
Construction on the improvements could be completed in late 2017.