Construction is underway on more than $7 million worth of intersection and traffic signal improvements throughout The Woodlands. The improvements include re-timing more than 39 traffic signals and adding or extending turn lanes at 15 intersections.
Matt Beasley, transportation planner for Montgomery County Precinct 3, said the projects should be complete by January.
The project is a partnership among Montgomery County Precinct 3, The Woodlands Township and The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1.
"We are very proud of these simple intersection improvements," Beasley said. "They will really help mobility right now."
The project includes extending turn lanes at some of The Woodlands' heaviest-traveled intersections, including Grogan's Mill Road at Lake Woodlands Drive, and Woodlands Parkway at Kuykendahl Road.
Some roadways are also seeing added turn lanes, such as the westbound lanes of Woodlands Parkway at Kuykendahl Road, where crews are installing an additional turn lane into the Indian Springs Village Center.
Beasley said by extending a turn lane 200 feet, the lanes could accommodate 10 more vehicles.
The improvements are being paid for with existing money from the three entities contributing to the project. Beasley said each lane improvement costs about $700,000.
"We did it with the dollars we have," Beasley said. "It is a bargain, but it does cost a lot of money."
In addition to the turn lane additions and extensions, the county and township are working to improve traffic light timing. Signalization has been adjusted at intersections along Research Forest Drive and Lake Woodlands Drive, among other locations. The county has also installed flashing yellow (left-turn?) lights that Beasley said has garnered a positive reaction among area residents.
"We will continue to install the flashing yellow lights where we can," he said.
As part of the overall plan, The Woodlands RUD has planned to construct separations—an overpass or underpass—at Research Forest Drive and Grogan's Mill Road, and at Lake Woodlands Drive at Grogan's Mill Road.
However, the RUD has decided not to build the grade separation at Research Forest Drive, and instead focus its efforts to help fund an extension of Kuykendahl Road into Harris County, said Robert Heineman, vice president of planning for The Woodlands Development Company and spokesperson for the RUD.
Heineman said plans are still underway for a $7.3 million grade separation at Lake Woodlands Drive and Grogan's Mill Road, although a start date for that project has not been determined.