The Crestview neighborhood, located in north Central Austin, includes many cottages from the 1950s as well as contemporary homes built in recent years. The Crestview shopping center, anchored by the iconic Crestview IGA Minimax grocery store, is located along Woodrow Avenue and serves as the community centerpiece. Also nearby is the MetroRail Crestview Station on North Lamar Boulevard just south of Justin Lane. There are also neighborhood-led efforts to establish a community park.

Neighborhood data provided by Jennifer Korba, Realty Austin, 512-600-9721

Build-out year: Original homes finished around 1960, tear-down/infill construction ongoing

Square footage: 1,590–2,398 sq. ft.

Home values: $350,000–$639,000

HOA dues (estimated): No mandatory HOA, but the voluntary neighborhood association is $10/year

Amenities: Brentwood Park is nearby, with swimming pool, sports courts and a playground

Schools: Brentwood Elementary School, Lamar Middle School, McCallum High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Austin ISD 1.2420

City of Austin 0.5027

Travis County 0.4946

Travis Co. Hospital District0.1290

Austin Community College District 0.0949

Total (per $100 value) 2.4632