Montgomery County Precinct 2 Commissioner Craig Doyal has announced his candidacy for County Judge, a position held by Judge Alan Sadler for more than 20 years.
"I love Montgomery County, have lived here all my life, and I share the great values of conservative government and responsible leadership that have made this one of the greatest places to live in Texas," Doyal said.
Doyal announced his candidacy Dec. 2 for the Republican Primary, scheduled for March 4, 2014. A fourth-generation Montgomery County resident, Doyal has served as Precinct 2 Commissioner since August 2001, according to a press release. He served as administrative assistant to former Commissioner Malcom Purvis for 15 years prior to being elected to the position.
"I grew up here and have spent my career in Montgomery County learning how this county operates and taking the lead on key projects, like the construction of the Fish Creek Thoroughfare, the expansion of FM 1488 through the pass-thru program, and acquisition of right-of-way for future thoroughfares," Doyal said. "Those experiences have prepared me to handle the diverse challenges our county faces as we prepare for rapid population growth that is headed our way."
He emphasized four key areas he would focus on if elected to the position: responsible economic growth and development, open and transparent service, conservative values and the protection of natural resources.
"The county needs to take a thoughtful, conservative and responsible approach to ensure its infrastructure is prepared to cope with its rapid population growth, and I am prepared to do that," Doyal said.
Doyal said he has been instrumental on projects, such as the Hwy. 249 Tollway and the sale and development of the former Camp Strake property. He has served as past chairman of Houston-Galveston Area Council and as the county representative to the Transportation Policy Council, and currently serves as chairman of the SB1420 Committee.
Doyal has also served as a Montgomery ISD Board Trustee, was a board member for The Friendship Center and is a member of the South County, Magnolia, Magnolia Parkway and Conroe Chambers of Commerce, The Woodlands Rotary Club and the Montgomery County Fair Association.