Group helps new entrepreneurs get started

For 50 years, the Fort Worth chapter of SCORE has helped fledgling entrepreneurs get businesses off the ground by providing free counseling at locations including Colleyville City Hall.

The demand for help from the nonprofit, which partners with the federal Small Business Administration, exploded in 2010, said Jim Lewis, who just stepped down Oct. 1 as president of the chapter. Many area residents who had been laid off were looking for another way to make a living.

Clients typically are in their late 20s and early 30s, he said, and about half are women. The chapter, which uses space in several locations, has been conducting about 100 sessions per month, a number that continually fluctuates.

SCORE stands for Senior Corps of Retired Executives, but Lewis said the group has expanded to include counselors who are currently in business in order to reach the wave of younger entrepreneurs.

"In the last 10 years it's changed a lot," he said. The younger clients tend to have more faith in someone closer to their age, so SCORE has adapted.

The younger business people are interested in volunteering because they have "had some luck and now it's time to give back," said Lewis, a retired CVS vice president who has been with SCORE since 2010.

Some clients come in with a business idea but are clueless about how to get started.

"We love those kinds of clients," he said.

SCORE volunteers can guide the would-be businessperson through the process starting with questions as basic as whether or not they have what it takes to run a business.

Next steps SCORE can help with include investigating market potential, creating a business plan, and securing financing.

The information is kept confidential.

Other clients show up with financing secured and a strong business background.

"Some of those people have ideas that will just blow you off your seat," said Lewis. All they need is help dealing with paperwork.

SCORE also can tailor counseling to a client's needs, sending counselors with expertise in a given area to work with specific kinds of business questions.

To schedule a SCORE appointment at any of the locations—Colleyville, Euless, North Richland Hills, Fort Worth or Cleburne—call the main office 817-871-6002.

The group's single part-time employee schedules appointments.

To learn more about SCORE, visit