With spring in full swing in Central Texas, Central Austin residents will be able to once again enjoy dining al fresco.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of patios in Central Austin, and we have spotlighted a few that we think are worth checking out.
Many of the patios could fall under more than one description, but we have highlighted the category into which we think they best fit.
This list is not comprehensive.
- Blue Star Cafeteria, 4800 Burnet Road, C300, 512-454-7827, www.bluestarcafeteria.com
- Chez Zee American Bistro, 5406 Balcones Drive, 512-454-2666, www.chez-zee.com
- Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill, 303 Red River St., 512-236-9599, www.moonshinegrill.com
- Russell's Bistro, 1601 W. 38th Street., 512-467-7877, www.russellsbistro.com/
- Taverna by Lombardi, 258 W. Second St., 512-477-1001, www.tavernabylombardi.com
- Bouldin Creek Cafe, 1900 S. First St., 512-416-1601, www.bouldincreek.com
- Dominican Joe Coffee Shop, 515 S. Congress Ave., 512-448-3919, www.dominicanjoe.com
- Jo's Coffee, 242 W. Second St., 512-469-9003, www.joscoffee.com
- Opa! Coffee & Wine Bar, 2050 S. Lamar Blvd., 512-326-8742, www.opacoffeewine.com
- Spiderhouse Cafe, 2908 Fruth St., 512-480-9562, www.spiderhousecafe.com
- Thunderbird Coffee, 1401 W. Koenig Lane, 512-420-8660, www.thunderbirdcoffee.com
- Casa de Luz, 1701 Toomey Road, 512-476-2535, www.casadeluz.org
- Central Market North, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd., 512-206-1000, www.centralmarket.com
- Cherrywood Coffeehouse, 1400 E. 38 1/2 St., 512-538-1991, www.cherrywoodcoffeehouse. com
- El Chato Since 1958, 1617 E. Seventh St., 512-632-1804, www.elchatosince1958.com
- Freddie's Place, 1703 S. First St., 512-445-9197, www.freddiesplaceaustin.com
- Phil's Ice House, 5620 Burnet Road, 512-524-1212, www.philsicehouse.com
- Shady Grove, 1624 Barton Springs Road, 512-474-9991, www.theshadygrove.com
- Whole Foods Market, 1105 N. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 200, 512-391-8400, www.wholefoodsmarket.com
- Blue Dahlia Bistro, 1115 E. 11th St., 512-454-9542, www.bluedahliabistro.com
- FoodHeads Cafe & Catering, 616 W. 34th St., 512-420-8400, www.foodheads.com
- Foreign & Domestic, 306 E. 53rd St., 512-459-1010, www.fndaustin.com
- Lenoir, 1807 S. First St., 512-215-9778, www.lenoirrestaurant.com
- Olive & June, 3411 Glenview Ave., 512-467-9898, www.oliveandjune-austin.com
- Paggi House, 200 Lee Barton Drive, 512-473-3700, www.paggihouse.com
- Winflo Osteria, 1315 W. Sixth St., 512-582-1027, www.winfloosteria.com
- FINO Restaurant & Bar, 2905 San Gabriel St., 512-474-2905, www.finoaustin.com
- Green Pastures, 811 W. Live Oak St., 512-444-1888, www.greenpasturesrestaurant.com
- Olivia, 2043 S. Lamar Blvd., 512-804-2700, www.olivia-austin.com
- Perla's, 1400 S. Congress Ave., 512-291-7300, www.perlasaustin.com
- Willie G's Seafood, 401 Congress Ave. 512-236-9600, www.williegs.com
- 219 West, 612 W. Sixth St., 512-474-2194, www.219west.com
- Crown & Anchor Pub, 2911 San Jacinto Blvd., 512-322-9168, www.crownandanchorpub.com
- Iron Cactus, 606 Trinity St., 512-472-9240, www.ironcactus.com
- Lustre Pearl Bar, 97 Rainey St., 512-469-0400, www.lustrepearlaustin.com
- Matt's Famous El Rancho, 2613 S. Lamar Blvd., 512-462-9333, www.mattselrancho.com
- Opal Divine's Penn Field, 3601 S. Congress Ave., 512-707-0237, www.opaldivines.com
- Z'Tejas, 1110 W. Sixth St., 512-478-5355, www.ztejas.com
- Austin Terrier, 3435 Greystone Drive, 512-369-3751, www.austinterrier.com
- Banger's Sausage House & Beer Garden, 79 Rainey St., 512-386-1656, www.bangersaustin.com
- Botticelli's, 1321 S. Congress Ave., 512-916-1315, www.botticellissouthcongress.com
- Doc's Motorworks, 1123 S. Congress Ave., 512-448-9181, www.eatdrinkdocs.com
- The Pizza Bistro, 2401 Lake Austin Blvd., 512-478-6600, www.pizzabistro.com
- Bungalow, 92 Rainey St., 512-363-5475, www.facebook.com/bungalowatx
- Contigo, 2027 Anchor Lane, 512-614-2260, www.contigotexas.com/austin
- Easy Tiger, 709 E. Sixth St., 512-614-4972, www.easytigeraustin.com
- Pelons, 802 Red River St., 512-243-7874, www.pelonsaustin.com
- Shangri-La, 1016 E. Sixth St., 512-524-4291, www.shangrilaaustin.com
- Star Bar, 600 W. Sixth St., 512-477-8550, www.starbartexas.com
- El Alma Restaurant & Bar, 1025 Barton Springs Road, 512-609-8923, www.elalmacafe.com
- Hula Hut, 3825 Lake Austin Blvd., 512-476-4852, www.hulahut.com
- Rattle Inn, 610 Nueces St., 512-373-8306, www.therattleinn.com
- Red's Porch, 3508 S. Lamar Blvd., 512-440-7337, www.redsporch.com
- Galaxy Cafe, 4616 Triangle Ave., 512-323-9494, www.galaxycafeaustin.com
- Gloria's Latin Cuisine, 300 W. Sixth St., 512-236-1795, www.gloriasrestaurants.com
- Guero's Taco Bar, 1412 S. Congress Ave., 512-447-7688, www.guerostacobar.com
- La Condesa, 400 W. Second St., 512-499-0300, www.lacondesa.com/austin
- Austin Java, 1206 Parkway, 512-476-1829, www.austinjava.com
- Halcyon Austin, 218 W. Fourth St., 512-472-9637, www.halcyonaustin.com
- Mozart's Coffee Roasters, 3825 Lake Austin Blvd., 512-477-2900, www.mozartscoffee.com
- Cover 3, 2700 W. Anderson Lane, 512-374-1121, www.cover-3.com
- Cuatro's, 1004 W. 24th St., 512-243-6361, www.cuatrosaustin.com
- Flying Saucer Draught Emporium, 815 W. 47th St., 512-454-8200, www.beerknurd.com/stores/austin
- The Goodnight, 2700 W. Anderson Lane, 512-459-5000, www.thegoodnightaustin.com
- Pluckers, 2222 Rio Grande St., 512-469-9464, www.pluckers.com
- Third Base, 1717 W. Sixth St., 512-476-2273, www.thirdbaseaustin.com