Williamson County During a March 5 meeting, Commissioners discussed creating a bond committee to explore the possibility of calling for a bond election.

Each commissioner will nominate two representatives from each precinct, and County Judge Dan Gattis will select a chairman to lead the committee.

The commissioners were going to meet with city leaders in their precincts to discuss what major projects and priorities should be considered for the potential bond election.

The last time the county called for a bond election was in 2006 in the amount of $250 million.

Projects the county is looking at include parks and roads, Gattis said.

"We've got master plans on parkland that we bought with the last bond issue and we'll need bond money now to build those parks out and make them accessible to the public," he said.

He said the court is interested in seeking funding for improvements to north-south and east-west traffic flow.

If commissioners move forward, the bond election could be held during the November general election.