Construction on the northern extension of Ronald Reagan Boulevard, a north-south corridor in western Williamson County, is expected to finish in fall 2013.

North Phases 3 and 4 of the roadway extension are currently under way and will extend the road north from Williams Drive, or RM 2338, to CR 237 near the road's intersection with I-35.

"[Because the economy has been] in a depressed state, we've been able to build more [because of low construction costs], and we went ahead and pushed for this project to be built now," Precinct 3 County Commissioner Valerie Covey said.

The road is expected to relieve "some mobility issues and give an alternative when ... you need to get from point A to point B," Covey said.

Bob Daigh, Williamson County senior director of infrastructure, said the project has support from throughout the county.

"I would say in the community there is enormous support, and everyone recognizes when you look at a map of the obvious need for having a western alternative to [Interstate] 35," he said.

Covey said she believes the extension will benefit not only her precinct, but also any resident who wants to avoid driving on I-35.

"I think that's why the road has been popular, not just with Precinct 3 voters, but also [in] Precinct 1 and 2 and the whole county, because it does allow mobility in an area that didn't have it before," she said. "Those that live in Precinct 1 might want to go to Dallas and could use that path. It's part of a regional plan for mobility and safety."

The commissioners first identified the project as a priority in 2000, and construction is being funded through county bonds. Upon completion, both phases will include two lanes with shoulders.

"The county commissioners recognized that mobility on the western side of the county would be dramatically enhanced, along with the safety for citizens, if Parmer Lane were extended northward and ultimately up to I-35," Daigh said.