Build-out year: 2007
Number of homes (estimated): 93
Average square footage: 6,848
Home values: $147-$235 (prices per square foot)
HOA dues (estimated): $2,500–$2,900
Amenities: none
Nearby attractions: DFW Airport, Southlake Town Square, Gaylord Texan Convention Center, Great Wolf Lodge, Vaquero Club & Golf Course, fitness trails, Westlake Academy.
Property taxes:
- City of Westlake — 0.1568
- Tarrant County — 0.2640
- Tarrant County College — 0.1490
- Tarrant County Hospital — 0.2279
- Carroll ISD — 1.4150
- Total (per $100 value) — 2.2127
Carroll ISD Schools:
- Walnut Grove Elementary School 2520 N. White Chapel Blvd.
- Durham Intermediate School 801 Shady Oaks Dr.
- Carroll Middle School 1800 E. Kirkwood Blvd.
- Carroll High School 1501 W. Southlake Blvd.
*Westlake residents may also choose Westlake Academy Charter School