In the May 6 elections, New Braunfels voters will have the opportunity to vote for mayor and for a City Council member if they reside in districts 5 or 6.

Below are the responses from the four candidates for mayor.

Candidates were asked to keep their responses at or below 50 words and avoid attacking their opponents.

Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

George Green

Experience: College degrees, teacher, three Fortune 500 companies, state of Texas agency (Texas A&M University & Texas Department of Criminal Justice), lifetime member of the Guadalupe Valley Peace Officers Association, two-time elected New Braunfels City Council experience, numerous nonprofit experience, and military Army airborne infantry.

Occupation: retired

Contact Information: 830-463-2933

What are your top three priorities if elected?

1. Support police and fire 2. Limit government overreach 3. Cut taxes and wasteful spending

What options make sense to you for transportation improvements such as public transit in a city growing as fast as New Braunfels and in general within the Austin-San Antonio corridor?

High-speed rail would be great. Expand ART Transportation. Uber and Lyft transportation. Traditional Taxi. The need for public transportation in a city growing like New Braunfels has historically been linked with providing mobility and accessibility to essential employment, goods, and services for older adults, persons with disabilities, low-income persons, and others.

What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

Quarterly community input in each district. Improve AI and technology (social media)

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for New Braunfels?

Frequent meetings with each official. Letters, emails, and faxes are effective ways to communicate with your elected officials.

Michael French

Experience: U.S. Army veteran of 17 years. Worked under tremendous pressure for the White House for six years, the Pentagon for five years, the Department of Homeland Security for two years, the [Defense Intelligence Agency], and 5 ½ years in Afghanistan and Iraq. I understand what it takes to get things done!

Occupation: Intelligence Analyst / Systems Security Engineer

Contact Information: 830-294-8570

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Start analyzing and using common sense when approving commerce from our out-of-control growth. Protecting our water in Landa Park and Comal Springs. Start educating businesses and the public about water conservation. We are in deep trouble! We must pass the Crime Control & Prevention District for our police officers.

What options make sense to you for transportation improvements such as public transit in a city growing as fast as New Braunfels and in general within the Austin-San Antonio corridor?

Improvements to public transit are very important, but I do not want to see city buses moving through downtown New Braunfels nor Gruene. Smaller forms of transportation are good i.e. Alamo Regional Transit. The Austin-San Antonio corridor will get exceptionally busier after the 1,900-acre Mayfair project gets underway. Park-and-Rides work.

What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

I will widely advertise any new project proposals for public consumption so that they can either protest or accept these proposals. We must protect and conserve our vulnerable Edwards Aquifer and Comal Springs. We must use common sense and public input when moving forward with ANY new development.

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for New Braunfels?

Never be afraid to ask for help. Regular communications with our state and congressional leaders are crucial as we are the faster growing city in the United States. Our water situation is dire! Our crime is going up! Our police need our protection and funding! Our teachers need help!

Neal Linnartz

Experience: My service in the community is relevant to my desire to volunteer as mayor: New Braunfels [Economic Development Corp.], Building Standards Commission, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wurstfest Association, Hope Hospice board, Sophienburg board, Chamber blue coat, Braunfels Foundation Trust, Comal County Bar Association and New Braunfels Elks lodge.

Occupation: Attorney

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 210-660-8421

What are your top three priorities if elected?

1. Protect and foster the culture and heritage of New Braunfels. 2. Support for our public safety professionals by giving police, fire, and EMS the staff and equipment to keep us safe. 3. Transportation and traffic improvements to alleviate traffic congestion and provide for safe streets in all neighborhoods.

What options make sense to you for transportation improvements such as public transit in a city growing as fast as New Braunfels and in general within the Austin-San Antonio corridor?

It is important that we work with TxDOT and our regional [metropolitan planning organization] on transportation options. Priority one must be roads, but public transportation options demand is continuing to grow rapidly. It is important that we continue to invest in transportation infrastructure: more roads, expanded lanes, sidewalks, and bike lanes.

What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

Transparency and open communication is how you successfully engage residents and business owners. The city must make access to information easy and user friendly. The website, library, city facilities all need to be places where information can easily be obtained. The elected officials and city staff must be accessible.

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for New Braunfels?

Communication and collaboration are vital to solving local problems for New Braunfels. This takes partnering with all elected officials. This should not be limited to the state and congressional leaders but should also include Comal County, Guadalupe County, CISD, NBISD, NBU, and Alamo MPO, and other entities in our region.

Edward Martinez Jr.

Experience: Born and bred, red, white and blue bleedin' American! As we have seen, experience does nothing. We wouldn’t be in this situation we are in if all this experience made a difference. It’s about intentions with a little experience sprinkled on top!

Occupation: Good ol' boy 24/7

Candidate Website: N/A

Contact Information: 830-515-9758

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Accountability—involves we the people; it has no prejudice or bad intentions. It’s pure in the most form and can’t be misinterpreted. Transparency- secrets don’t make friends. Leadership—with those set-in stone leadership from we the people will flourish due to the standard being upheld and exceeded.

What options make sense to you for transportation improvements such as public transit in a city growing as fast as New Braunfels and in general within the Austin-San Antonio corridor?

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! New Braunfels already has two forms of public transportation to be used. We are not Austin or San Antonio, nor would I ever want this place to be! Alamo regional transit and Alamo communities trip planning and carpool app.

What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

I can’t make people do anything, however we the people can create an environment where the people want to be involved. Remember it's we the people, not the residents and business owners. Each one of us are in this together.

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for New Braunfels?

Keep our issues in house, no need to always run for help. We must learn to solve without big government first. However, if issues should arise to which we can’t take care of then we will use our chain of command accordingly to accomplish the mission at hand.