Learn more about the news coming out of local school board meetings in New Braunfels and Comal ISDs.

1. New Braunfels ISD considers $313M bond election in 2024

New Braunfels ISD will potentially call a $313 million bond election in May, if approved by the board of trustees.

The bond election will include funding for Phase 2 of the New Braunfels High School redesign, a competition stadium and track at Long Creek High School, and various other projects throughout the district.

If the May bond remains under $315 million, there will be no increase in the tax rate for taxpayers in the district, according to NBISD officials.

The backstory

In September, over 80 members who made up the bond planning committee were tasked with considering potential projects to recommend to the board of trustees for a future bond election. The committee was directed to find the future facility, safety, technology and transportation needs in the district. Trustees received a presentation from the committee during a regular meeting Dec. 11.

“There's no facility in the district that is not benefiting from this proposal, and it gives us two high schools to be proud of versus having a brand-new one and one that needs lots of help,” Bond Planning Committee Chair Brandon Dietert said.

Based on the recommendation made by the NBISD Bond Planning Committee, the bond would be split into three propositions.
  • Proposition A: high school campus major projects, $267 million
  • Proposition B: technology, $3 million
  • Proposition C: athletic facility projects, $42.5 million
The full story on the potential 2024 NBISD bond can be found here.

2. New Braunfels ISD approves update to human sexuality curriculum

A new human sexuality curriculum for New Braunfels ISD grades 6-8 is was approved by the board of trustees on Dec. 11. The new human sexuality curriculum will be delivered to middle school students whose parents choose to “opt-in” to the instruction, according to district officials.

The details

In April 2022, the board adopted a resolution to assemble the local School Health Advisory Council to recommend a new human sexuality curriculum, due to the human sexuality course being out of date, according to NBISD officials.

“We have a very outdated program; in fact, the only way that the curriculum materials were available was in VHS, and so that was very outdated,” said Gina Christenson, a member of the SHAC committee, and NBISD director of curriculum and professional development.

The SHAC committee reviewed five programs while utilizing a rubric to evaluate the curriculum. According to NBISD officials, instructional materials are required by law to teach abstinence as the only method of birth control that is 100% effective.

“Students are even saying, 'We want this; we want to learn a little bit more,' not just about the sexual aspects of their experiences, but to build the whole child: their mental well-being, their ability to function in positive relationships, the ability to say no to different types of situations.” Christenson said.

The framework

Ultimately, the committee recommended the program Living Well Aware: My Choices, My Life, A Guide to Adolescent Wellness.

Read more about the new human sexuality curriculum in CISD here.

3. Comal ISD trustees consider 2024-25 academic calendar

Guidance from the state along with feedback from the District Educational Improvement Council, staff and stakeholders is helping shape the 2024-25 academic calendar in Comal ISD.

The proposed calendars are based on multiple guidelines that are trying to be met, including not starting school on a Monday, having a full-week break for Thanksgiving and having the last day of school before Memorial Day.

“I think both calendars A and C are very reasonable, and they will be appreciated,” trustee Courtney Biasatti said.

Zooming in

Surveys to receive additional feedback on the two options were also given to DEIC committee members, principals and parents. Calendar B was ruled out based on responses the committee received. Some of the participants' feedback was that the school year started too early, they did not like the placement of spring break in the third week of March, and they were not fans of parent-teacher conferences scheduled in the middle of the week.

CISD Superintendent John E. Chapman III said the board of trustees will continue to discuss the next school year’s academic calendar at future meetings.

“We may come up with a new calendar for Jan. 25 [at the next school board meeting]; that could be the possibility,” Chapman said. “But the one thing that I want us to really think about is, 'What are we here for,' and it's the sake of kids and education.”

The full story on the academic calendar can be found here.