From 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 28-29, The Institute of Financial Education will host a donation drive at the Comal County Fairgrounds to benefit local health care workers.

Participants are asked to donate personal protective equipment, which will be given to the Comal County Office of Public Health for distribution.

Accepted items include:
  • N-95 masks and other face masks; surgical, painter and carpenter masks will also be accepted
  • Disposable medical gowns, paper fluid-resistant or plastic
  • Eye protection goggles
  • Gloves
  • Face shields
  • Shoe covers/booties
Six-foot social distancing between all in attendance and other safety measures will be in place during the event. Participants are instructed to follow directions given at the drop-off location to ensure a safe environment.

For more information, visit The Institute of Financial Education’s website, email the event organizers at [email protected] or call 830-752-7207.