As part of the widening of Rueckle into two travel lanes in each direction and a center turn lane, a section of Rueckle will close entirely to thru traffic beginning Dec. 9 through spring 2020, according to a city news release.
Rueckle will close near the Hill Country Resort to Morningside, the release said. Traffic exiting Rueckle from I-35 will be subject to a detour route utilizing Water Lane and Morningside.
New Braunfels residents that need to take I-35 from Morningside Drive will have frontage-access via Solms Road, Water Lane, Schmidt Avenue and a far north section of Morningside, according to the release.
Traffic will maintain two-way access on Rueckle from the I-35 frontage road to the main entrance of the RV resort, and school bus pickup and drop-off will not be affected, the release said.
The Solms-Morningside-Rueckle 2013 bond project began in summer 2018 and is expected to be completed in 2020.
At a cost of $15.4 million, the project will widen 4 miles of roadway in the area to include multiple travel lanes, center turn lanes, new curbs, bike lanes, infrastructure improvements and shared-use paths.