During its May 16 meeting, Leander City Council unanimously approved a roughly $2.3 million construction contract for improvements at the following intersections:
- San Gabriel Parkway and US 183
- Collaborative Way and Bagdad Road
- CR 175 and Journey Parkway
A closer look
When design work began on these intersections a few years ago, they were considered high-growth areas with many issues, officials said. The improvements are expected to address some of the traffic concerns.
City Manager Todd Parton said all three projects are already designed and ready for construction.
San Gabriel Parkway and US 183
Crews will add a 450-foot dedicated right-turn lane from eastbound San Gabriel Parkway onto southbound US 183. Truman said CapMetro will fund the project, which costs $378,295.
The improvements at this intersection will allow traffic to move through the light in half the time and free up the road for cars going straight through the intersection, Truman said.
Collaborative Way and Bagdad Road
The city will install a traffic light at this intersection, add a left-turn lane from Bagdad Road onto Collaborative Way and enhance the existing right-turn lane.
Furthermore, the $1.4 million project includes signage, striping and lane delineators to help keep traffic flowing.
Since 2021, the Bagdad Road and Collaborative Way intersection has had 13 accidents, eight of which would have been avoided if a traffic signal was in place, Truman said.
Additionally, these improvements will allow traffic going straight to pass through the intersection without being held up by turning vehicles.
Officials said the city will also look at adding a "No Right Turn On Red" sign at Collaborative Way to indirectly help traffic flow off CR 280.
CR 175 and Journey Parkway
Costing $460,902, work at this intersection involves replacing a four-way stop to add a traffic signal and pedestrian crossings.
Officials expect this intersection to see a lot of traffic resulting from the closure of the nearby low-water crossing along with several existing schools and proposed subdivisions surrounding the area.
Looking ahead
Truman said all three projects can be completed within three to six months. The city is looking to quickly begin working on Collaborative Way and Bagdad Road as well as CR 175 and Journey Parkway so construction can wrap up before school starts in the fall.
However, officials said a start date for both of the projects has not been determined.
Parton said the city will start discussing how it identifies and prioritizes transportation projects moving forward.