Liberty Hill ISD will consider new elementary school attendance zones for next school year as the opening of Tierra Rosa Elementary approaches.

What you need to know

District officials proposed two attendance zone options for Tierra Rosa Elementary at a Dec. 18 board of trustees meeting. The new school is scheduled to open in August in the Santa Rita Ranch subdivision.

In the first scenario, Tierra Rosa would pull students living in the Morning Star, Santa Rita East and Ridge at Cross Creek neighborhoods, said Todd Washburn, LHISD assistant superintendent of teaching and learning.

The first scenario also shows Tierra Rosa pulling students from Bar W, Santa Rita and Rancho Sienna elementaries while the second scenario would pull students from those schools as well as Louine Noble Elementary.

The district found the first zoning option more favorable as it involved moving less families, Washburn said. In January, the district will garner community feedback through a survey and meetings, and present the recommended attendance zones to the board of trustees Feb. 20, Chief of Schools Travis Motal said.

Also of note

Board members provided their input on the future design of Elementary School No. 8 to a representative with VLK Architects at the Dec. 18 meeting. The new campus is expected to open for the 2026-27 school year in the Lariat neighborhood, district officials said.

As several elementary campuses are projected to reach or exceed capacity in the coming years, some board members suggested the district consider opening Elementary School No. 8 to accommodate 1,200 students instead of the district’s current 800-student-capacity design.

Board President Megan Parsons and Place 4 board member Kathy Major expressed concerns that larger elementary campuses would change the district’s small-town feel and culture.

Going forward

District officials presented the forecasted opening dates for several new campuses over the next decade; however, some dates may be subject to change, Motal said.
  • Elementary School No. 9 for the 2028-29 school year
  • Middle School No. 4 for the 2030-31 school year
  • Elementary School No. 10 for the 2031-32 school year
  • High School No. 3 for the 2032-33 school year
  • Elementary School No. 11 for the 2033-34 school year