Following a three-year pause on a multimillion-dollar project to widen a section of MoPac South, organizations involved with the project's planning have scheduled an open house event in February.

The newest iteration of the project could add up to two express lanes in both directions of the 8-mile stretch of MoPac from Cesar Chavez Street to Slaughter Lane, but a representative from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, which has been working on the project with the Texas Department of Transportation, said during its Oct. 30 meeting that the scope of the project could increase to include SH 45 SW.

The total cost is estimated to be between $435 million and $540 million.

From February 2016 to mid-2019, the MoPac South project was on an indefinite hold pending two issues. The first was a lawsuit that attempted to stall the project because it had not been studied together with the SH 45 SW and MoPac Intersections Project at Slaughter and La Crosse Avenue. A court ruled in favor of the CTRMA in July 2018.

A date and location for the February open house have yet to be determined, but initial information from CTRMA states the purpose will be to present a recommended preferred alternative to the project for public input.

Other dates discussed at the Oct. 30 meeting project a schematic review from TxDOT by May 2020, a public hearing for input in June 2021 and environmental findings to be ready by Sept. 2021.

For more information on the South MoPac Project, click here.