Following a recount of the city's May 6 election tally for Proposition 1 that included funding for a new Lakeway police facility, the project’s schedule remains intact, City Manager Steve Jones said.

“What we do know for sure is we are on the original schedule,” he said of the bond bidding and competitive sale slated to begin June 19. “We think we can build this in a year. We don’t build police stations every day, so that’s an educated guess."

Jones said the city spent a year designing and sizing the project.

The measure succeeded by nine votes, and the election day count was confirmed by the May 22 recount. “[The vote] was not an overwhelming endorsement of the project,” Jones said. “I don’t think we should ignore the voters who approved the bonds.”

The city’s financial consultant informed council members at the May 15 City Council meeting that, should Lakeway wait to issue the $23 million bond for the station, expected increases in interest rates could add another $1 million to the project.

The recount was filed by former City Council candidate Tiffany McMillan on May 15 through her attorney, Bill Aleshire. The votes were canvassed by City Council on the same day.

The recount complied with state law, which required the procedure to occur within seven days of the petition’s certification, or May 17.

Since the vote recount did not show a change from the original election tally, the process that began with the May 15 canvassing of votes continued, and the 30-day waiting period to issue the bond started May 15, he said.

The members of the recount committee included Phil Thompson, Richard Drury, Bob Neighbors and Steve Zbranek.